St. Matthew’s UMC’s Annual Yard Sale
Saturday, August 23, 2025, from 9 am – 2 pm
Donate to help others and the environment. Please start cleaning out your houses, garages, basements, sheds, and storage units, and save your gently used items to donate! Most items are accepted, but no soft or bulky furniture or broken or unsafe items.
Your donations will be sold to support SHEEP’s work in social justice, missions, and outreach in our community and worldwide. As appropriate, leftover items will be donated to local charities or recycled, with very little going to the trash. (Yeah, Earth!) Click or touch the links to view the impact of the 2023 and 2024 yard sales.
Drop off your donations beginning Sunday, August 17th. Ask for a donation receipt if you would like one. Please let us know if something is of value (e.g., antiques, paintings, collectibles, etc.) so we can separate it and price it correctly. Otherwise, it will be priced to sell quickly.
Volunteer to help. There is something for everyone at varying times.
- Presale: At the beginning of August, we call for volunteers to help sort, organize, price, and set up the week during the day/evening and the early on-sale day!
- At the Sale: Individuals will welcome and assist our customers (cashiers, security, greeters, station helpers, etc.).
- After the Sale: Volunteers are needed Saturday and Sunday after the sale to help complete clean-up, sort, and rehome unsold items to charitable organizations.
Come and Shop on Saturday, August 23rd! Tell all of your friends to come and shop for one-of-a-kind finds! Bring your own bags to take home your newly found treasures!
Please email yardsale@stmatthews-bowie.org