On Saturday, April 26, 2025, our church will be on the move, caring for others in our community. We will
meet in Fellowship Hall, disperse around Bowie, and do several service projects together. After serving, we will enjoy a potluck dinner, share our experiences, and have a good time together.

Starting on March 30th, you can sign up for the project of your choice. Some of the tasks that you can sign up for are:
- Making lunches to be delivered to Light House, a homeless prevention support center in Annapolis
- Joining a crew for Christmas in April
- Singing at Charter Senior Living of Bowie
- Trash pick-up on Superior Lane
- Trash pick-up at Bowie High School and Library
- Making cards to be sent to Caregivers
- Water bottle giveaway at Allen Pond’s soccer fields
- Planting a tree in the community
In addition to helping with a service project, we need help organizing, coordinating, and overseeing the Church on the Move activities and potluck.
For further information, email communityoutreach@stmatthews-