Mondays, Sept. 21 – Dec. 21, 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Hi Folks! My name’s Rick Miller. My wife Carol and I are retired UM pastors who are active at St. Matthew’s. For the past few years we’ve led Bible studies from the Kerygma series, studies that really help lay people understand the Scriptures in their original context and explore what they mean for us today; in fact, Carol has written several of them. This Fall I’m leading a study of John’s gospel, and hopefully Carol will be able to co-lead! John is a powerful gospel, so different from Matthew, Mark and Luke, yet so alike in its witness to God’s saving work in Christ! You can come to the morning or evening session – some folks go back and forth, depending on their schedules. We plan for another great time of digging into the text, sharing inputs, working together, and exploring what it all means for us as we seek to be faithful Christians in 2015. And of course we’ll laugh and pray and visit over coffee and tea and refreshments! I don’t have actual registration forms yet but you can get on the “official list” by emailing me at [email protected] (we’ll get the forms later). Thanks to Carol’s author’s discount the books are only $14. You’ll want a book because we assume everyone’s read the material before the session so we can expand on what we’ve read. We’ve pre-ordered some, but it will help to get as accurate a number of participants as possible so we get the right number of books. Hope you can join in! Even if you’ve studied John recently, our time together will deepen your understanding of this rich and powerful book! And invite your friends! SIGN UP TODAY BY EMAIL, AND AS SOON AS THE FIRST BOOKS COME IN YOU’LL GET ONE!