Midweek Messenger for December 19, 2024
Schedule Highlights
Worship Schedule: St. Matthew’s Worship Schedule
Other Meetings and Events: St. Matthew’s Calendar
For a complete list of the Christmas and New Years Special Holiday Services, please see the first page of the December Circuit Rider (December 2024 Circuit Rider).
Collections for the Christmas Eve Service will go to fund 236, Christmas Eve Special Missions and will be divided equally between the Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry and Missions Central.
Advent Messages from Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling
Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling is publishing a series of messages for this Advent season, as follows:
- Bishop Easterling’s Advent Message: HOPE
- Bishop Easterling’s Advent Message: PEACE
- Bishop Easterling’s Advent Message: JOY
- Bishop Easterling’s Advent Message: LOVE (available Friday, December 20; scroll down the page to the boxed space labelled “In Her Own Words”)
Adult Sunday School Classes
At 11:00 AM, December 22, Jim Wiedman leads a class called Lights, Camera, Faith: Christianity in Popular Movies. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and film in “A Christmas Carol” starring George C. Scott. It can be found on Amazon Prime Video, Tubi TV, Disney Plus, Hulu and Sling TV.
The 8:45 AM Adult Sunday School class is on hiatus for the time being. Watch this space for updates.
You’re Invited to the St. Matthew’s Second Annual Christmas Brunch!
We invite you to join us in Fellowship Hall for a special Christmas brunch, December 22 during our Coffee Hour. The expanded menu will include delicious breakfast and lunch items. Bring your friends & family!
A Reminder to Be the Blessing This Christmas Season
Bishop Julius C. Trimble, General Secretary, UMC General Board of Church and Society (GBCS), reminds us that amidst all of the consumerism and busyness of this Christmas season, we are called to share our abundance with those less fortunate, especially those with food insecurity. To read his complete message, please follow this link: Be a Christmas Blessing • GBCS.
Help Us Clean Up and Clean Out the Kitchen
We are doing the annual church kitchen cleaning on Friday, December 27, beginning at 10:00 AM. Any committee, team, or individual who left containers, dishes, or other items in the kitchen from previous events should stop by within the next two weeks and pick them up.
If you would like to volunteer to help clean, please contact Lisa Klein at lisasklein68@yahoo.com.
Please Pick Up Your Giving Envelopes
If you make donations in the church offering plates, please pick up your box of envelopes, so the church can save the cost of mailing them. You will find them in the narthex. Those who give online don’t need to pick up anything! Your online giving information will remain the same for 2025, and there’s nothing new for you to do. If you would like to make changes in the way you give to St. Matthew’s, please contact Lisa Wilson at 240-997-2772 or email at financialsecretary@stmatthews-
Get Your Year-End Donations in by December 29
The Finance Committee would like to thank each of you for your generous contributions throughout 2024, which has enabled us to continue to serve God in our local community and throughout the world. As the year draws to a close, please do not forget your church and the financial commitment you made through your pledge last year. Note that, due to deadlines imposed by our bank, in order for your year-end contribution to be recognized in your 2024 giving, it must be received in the church office no later than 11:00 AM, Sunday, December 29. Donations received after that time will be included in your 2025 giving statement. If you have questions, please contact Lisa Wilson, Financial Secretary (Iisawilson@stmatthews-bowie.
Last Call for 2025 Mission Trip to Guatemala
Blacksburg UMC asked us to join their mission team to the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala from March 8 to 15, 2025, teaming with Impacto Ministry (impactoministry.com) in their compassion ministries. The cost of the trip is $1500; however, if the cost of the trip is the only reason you can’t participate, please reach out to Marian Eisinger to discuss assistance. Email marianeisinger@stmatthew’s-
Note the Change in Date for the UWF Epiphany Brunch!
The annual Epiphany Brunch, hosted by the United Women in Faith, will be held on the second Saturday in January instead of the usual first Saturday. Please plan to attend on January 11, at 10:00 AM, in Fellowship Hall. Watch this space for more information!
Save the Date: Pastor Park to be Part of Interfaith Panel Discussion
Mark your calendars! On January 19, 2025, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM, our own Pastor JW Park with be one of six panel members exploring the question, “How can people of faith resolve religious differences?” The six presenters are from Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist traditions. The discussion will be held via Zoom. Watch this space and future email alerts for more details!
Appalachian Service Project (ASP) Dates Are Set
Our youth will be heading to our 2025 ASP from July 6 to 12. Anyone in high school or above who is interested in serving on this trip, please let Becky Roper know (beckyroper@stmatthews-bowie.
Little Free Pantry Update
The Little Free Pantry needs a shopper. The shopper is reimbursed for the groceries they purchase. Also needed are cereal, proteins, soup, and canned fruit. Beth Lingg for the LFP (bethlingg@comcast.net)
Bowie Food Pantry Update
The Food Pantry is extremely grateful for the donations of food and funds throughout 2024, including a donation and visit to the Pantry by the EEC kindergartners! At this time, the greatest needs are for granola bars, low sugar cereal, and rice (microwave pouches or boxed, please no bagged rice). Please leave donations in the shopping cart in the coatroom. Thank you for your continued support!
To ensure that your item is included in the Midweek Messenger, please send it to enews@stmatthews-bowie.org