Midweek Messenger for February 20, 2025
Schedule Highlights
Worship Schedule: St. Matthew’s Worship Schedule
Other Meetings and Events: St. Matthew’s Calendar
Children’s Church: Room 119 after the Children’s Message. Children from birth to 10 years old are welcome to join us! Our lessons follow the lectionary in a kid-friendly manner.
Sunday School Classes
Children’s Sunday School is held each week in Room 222 following worship service. Children ages 3 to 18 are welcome to join us. We are focusing on God’s love for us and how we are called to love others. We will learn about this through scripture, arts and crafts, and music. We usually conclude Sunday School by stocking the Little Free Pantry.
Sundays at 11:00 AM in the Parlor, we explore the book, Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians by Amy-Jill Levine. The book delves into the historic and cultural impact of Jesus of Nazareth, examining his teachings and their relevance for everyone: Christians, agnostics, and nonbelievers alike.
The 8:45 AM class remains on hiatus for the time being.
Bowie Supportive Housing Corporation at a Crossroads
The Bowie Supportive Housing Corporation (BSHC) is seeking new leadership and working to determine the best future use of the Alpha House property in Old Bowie. Options include (1) continued use by a new Housing Corporation Board, (2) transfer to another valid nonprofit entity, or (3) selling the property in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to transfer resources to another entity that supports low-income persons. Lack of both volunteers and available social work support inhibits the BHSC’s ability to ensure the property is used to its maximum potential to support low-income families.
The BSHC will hold a Zoom meeting to discuss these options with interested constituents, including but not limited to other organizations that have supported the Alpha House missions. An invitation will be distributed closer to the date of the meeting, which will be held tonight, February 20, 2025, at 7:00 PM. The general agenda is to discuss potential future actions and plans, including:
- Current BSHC leadership wants to turn over leadership to a new group of members by mid-March.
- Although the BSHC would prefer to transfer leadership to a local church-led Board, a regional nonprofit, Nanna House (supports pregnant women and victims of domestic violence) has expressed interest in taking over Alpha House if DHCD approves.
If you would like to visit Alpha House to see the home as it is being prepared for its future mission use, BSHC will have an open house on Saturday, February 22, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Please call or email Dave Miller at 301-789-7272 or [email protected] for location information.
Additional detail regarding BSHC and Alpha House is available in a Fact Sheet in the narthex.
World Day of Prayer—Friday, March 7 at Noon
The 2025 World Day of Prayer service will be on Friday, March 7 at 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary (and will be broadcast on Facebook at 7:00 PM). Our prayer focus this year is on the women and children of the Cook Islands. It is a majority Christian nation where the people are driven by a strong sense of community and cultural values that come from their belief in God. The theme this year is “I made you wonderful” — Psalms 134:14. Come to pray and learn about the people and culture of this part of the world. An offering will be taken to benefit the women of the Cook Islands. Invite your friends and neighbors and other churches!
Helping Hands for March
Beginning on March 5, the Helping Hands group will meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:30 AM to work on a tabletop mission and church projects in the SHEEP Barn (Room 223). Activities will vary from one month to another, but could include activities such as putting labels on giveaways, stuffing Easter Eggs, putting together toiletry bags for Mission Central or Little Free Pantry, verifying UMCOR kits, stuffing envelopes for the Front Office, etc. If you have mobility issues but would like to help support the church missions, Helping Hands is perfect for you. Please join us on March 5 for our kick-off meeting and project!
After the service project, we will dine and enjoy each other’s company. Bring a brown-bag lunch and SHEEP will supply a dessert and beverage.
Applications for St. Matthew’s Scholarship Program Available
The school Guidance Office has “blasted” out to students the information about our annual scholarship to support two Bowie High School seniors. The entire application package has 4 parts: a two-page application, a required recommendation, proof of service hours, and an essay about how they are making a difference in the world.
If you know a senior who is working to make the world a better place even though they are young, please encourage them to apply. The deadline to return the candidate’s package to Beth Obear by email or US Postal Service mail is April 9, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Obear at [email protected].
SHEEP Fair Update
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Our St. Matthew’s family ROCKS! Your response was amazing! We really grew our flock!
At the SHEEP Fair we had a drawing to guess the number of Cotton Balls in a Jar. We had 2 winners. They were Corey Smith and Mary Fauntleroy. They each won $25 Visa Gift Card. The actual number was 198. Thank you all for participating in the drawing and coming to the Fair. It was a huge success, and we are thrilled that our St. Matthew’s family is so willing to participate in our many efforts. Thank you again.
United Methodist Council of Bishops Weighs in on Suspension of Foreign Assistance Programs
The UMC Council of Bishops issued a letter to President Trump about his Executive Order suspending U.S. foreign aid programs. The bishops asked the President “…to consider the moral imperative to assist those in need and the significant contributions programs supported by U.S. foreign aid make to humanitarian relief and peace.” To read the entire letter, follow this link: Letter from UM Council of Bishops to President Trump re US Foreign Aid.
UMC Joins Other Organizations in Lawsuit Against DHS Policy
The United Methodist Church (UMC) has joined other Christian and Jewish groups in a federal lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy of allowing immigration enforcement raids in sensitive locations, such as churches, synagogues, schools, and hospitals. To read the UMC news item in full, follow this link: United Methodists join suit against Trump policy | UMNews.org.
United Methodists Called to Oppose Repeal of Trust Clause
Conference leaders are asking United Methodists to contact their Maryland state representatives to oppose the proposed repeal of The United Methodist Trust Clause from state law. That clause, which has been part of church law since 1787, states that every church building is held “in trust for the benefit of the entire denomination.” If a church leaves the denomination, its property reverts back to the annual conference. Current Maryland law codifies this clause in state statutes. Senate bill 0586 and House of Delegates bill HB 1182 would repeal the provisions from state law. Those who are interested in this issue can read more about it, identify state representatives, and view suggested communication templates using this link: Trust Clause Witness.
St Matthew’s UMC’s Little Free Pantry in the Bowie Sun
Miss Tatsi, a student at the University of Maryland – College Park and writer for The Bowie Sun, interviewed our Little Free Pantry and other charitable organizations in Bowie. Read her insightful article, As costs rise, Bowie charities see growing need for food and aid, to learn more about the need for assistance in Bowie.
Little Free Pantry Update
Please place your donations for the LFP in the bin in the coatroom or in the box outside by the narthex door. Two people have filled the openings in the LFP! Please donate cereal, canned meats, pancake mix, and syrup. Thank you! Beth Lingg for the LFP ([email protected])
Bowie Food Pantry Update
At this time, the Pantry’s greatest needs are for canned tuna, condiments, and granola bars. Please place your donation in the shopping cart in the coatroom. Thank you for your support!
To ensure that your item is included in the Midweek Messenger, please send it to [email protected]